open import Relation.Binary
open import Level

module Experiments.Infer {c ℓ₁ ℓ₂}(PO : Preorder c ℓ₁ ℓ₂) where

open Preorder PO renaming (_∼_ to _⊑_)

record IsIncluded (W W' : Carrier) : Set ℓ₂ where
    is-included : W  W'

record IsIncludedOnce (W W' : Carrier) : Set ℓ₂ where
    is-included-once : W  W'

  is-included-refl :  {W}  IsIncluded W W
  is-included-refl = record { is-included = refl }

  is-included-step :  {W W' W''}  p : IsIncludedOnce W W'   q : IsIncluded W' W''   IsIncluded W W''
    {{p = record { is-included-once = p }}}
    {{record { is-included = q }}} = record { is-included = trans p q }

-- typeclass for world-indexed things that support weakening
record Weakenable {i}(I : Carrier  Set i) : Set (i  ℓ₂  c) where
    weaken :  {W W'}  W  W'  I W  I W'

  wk     :  {W W'}  I W   p : IsIncluded W W'   I W'
  wk x  record { is-included = p }  = weaken p x

ISet = Carrier  Set

module Monad
  (M    : ISet  ISet)
  (ret  :  {P : ISet}{c}  P c  M P c)
  (bind :  {P Q : ISet}{c}  (∀ {c'}  sub : IsIncludedOnce c c'   P c'  M Q c')  M P c  M Q c)
  (V    : ISet)
  (wV   : Weakenable V)
  (get  :  {c}  M V c)
  (App  :  {c}  V c  V c  V c)

    weakenable-val = wV

  open Weakenable ⦃...⦄

  {- uncomment to see the compiler error -}
  -- test : ∀ {c} → M V c
  -- test = bind (λ x → bind (λ y → ret (App (wk x) (wk y))) get) get