open import MJ.Types
import MJ.Classtable.Core as Core

module MJ.Classtable.Code {c}(Ct : Core.Classtable c) where

open import Prelude hiding (erase)
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Maybe.All as MayAll
open import Data.Vec as Vec hiding (_∈_)
open import Data.Star as Star
open import Data.List.Most as List
open import Data.List.Properties.Extra as List+
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Data.String

import Data.Vec.All as Vec∀

open Core c
open Classtable Ct
open import MJ.Classtable.Membership Ct
open import MJ.LexicalScope c
open import MJ.Syntax Ct

data Body (I : Ctx) : Ty c  Set where
  body :  {r}{O : Ctx}  Stmts I r O  Expr O r  Body I r

A helper to generate the shape of the context for method bodies
methodctx : Cid c  List (Ty c)  Ctx
methodctx cid as = (ref cid  as)

A helper to generate the shape of the context for constructors
constrctx : Cid c  Ctx
constrctx cid = let cl = Σ cid in (ref cid  Class.constr cl)

-- A method is either just a body, or a body prefixed by a super call.
data Method (cid : Cid c)(m : String) : Sig c  Set where
  super_⟨_⟩then_ :  {as b} 
                  pid = Class.parent (Σ cid)
                  Γ   = methodctx cid as
                  -- must have a super to call, with the same signature
                  AccMember pid METHOD m (as , b) 
                  -- super call arguments
                  All (Expr Γ) as 
                  -- body
                  Body (Γ +local b) b  Method cid m (as , b)
  body        :  {as b}  Body (methodctx cid as) b  Method cid m (as , b)

-- Constructors are similar
data Constructor (cid : Cid c) : Set where
  super_then_ : let
                  pid = Class.parent (Σ cid)
                  pclass = Σ pid
                  Γ   = constrctx cid
                  -- super call arguments
                  All (Expr Γ) (Class.constr pclass) 
                  -- body
                  Body Γ void 
                  Constructor cid
  body        : Body (constrctx cid) void  Constructor cid

A class implementation consists of a constructor and a body for every
METHOD declaration.
record Implementation (cid : Cid c) : Set where
  constructor implementation
  open Class (Σ cid) public
    construct : Constructor cid
    mbodies   : All (λ{ (name , sig)  Method cid name sig }) (decls METHOD)

-- Code is a lookup table for class implementations for every class identifier
Code =  cid  Implementation cid

-- Mirroring `IsMember METHOD` we define the notion of an inherited method body.
InheritedMethod :  (cid : Cid c)(m : String)  Sig c  Set
InheritedMethod cid m s =  λ pid  Σ  cid <: pid × Method pid m s