open import MJ.Types
import MJ.Classtable.Core as Core
import MJ.Classtable.Code as Code
import MJ.Syntax as Syntax

module MJ.Semantics.Objects.Flat {c}(Ct : Core.Classtable c)( : Code.Code Ct) where

open import Prelude

open import Level renaming (suc to lsuc; zero to lzero)
open import Data.Vec hiding (_++_; lookup; drop)
open import Data.Star
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.First.Properties
open import Data.List.Any.Membership.Propositional
open import Data.List.Any.Properties
open import Data.List.All as List∀
open import Data.List.All.Properties.Extra
open import Data.List.Prefix
open import Data.List.Properties.Extra
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe hiding (All; map)
open import Data.Maybe.All as MayAll using ()
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import MJ.Semantics.Values Ct
open import MJ.Semantics.Objects Ct
open import MJ.Syntax Ct
open Code Ct
open Core c
open Classtable Ct
open import MJ.Classtable.Membership Ct


  collect :  {cid}(chain : Σ  cid <: Object) ns  List (String × typing ns)
  collect (super {cid}  ch) ns = Class.decls (Σ (cls cid)) ns ++ collect ch ns
  collect ε ns = Class.decls (Σ Object) ns

  We define collect members by delegation to collection of members over a particular
  inheritance chain.
  This makes the definition structurally recursive and is sound by the fact that
  inheritance chains are unique.
  collect-members :  cid ns  List (String × typing ns)
  collect-members cid ns = collect (rooted cid) ns

  An Object is then simply represented by a list of values for all it's members.
  Obj : (World c)  (cid : _)  Set
  Obj W cid = All  d  Val W (proj₂ d)) (collect-members cid FIELD)

  weaken-obj :  {W W'} cid  W'  W  Obj W cid  Obj W' cid
  weaken-obj cid ext O = List∀.map (weaken-val ext) O

  We can relate the flat Object structure with the hierarchical notion of membership
  through the definition of `collect`.
  This allows us to get and set members on Objects.
  getter :  {W n a} cid  Obj W cid  IsMember cid FIELD n a  Val W a
  getter cid O q with rooted cid
  getter .Object O (.Object , ε , def) | ε = ∈-all (proj₁ (first⟶∈ def)) O
  getter .Object O (_ , ()  _ , _) | ε
  getter ._ O (._ , ε , def) | super {cid}  z
    with split-++ (Class.decls (Σ (cls _)) FIELD) _ O
  ... | own , inherited = ∈-all (proj₁ (first⟶∈ def)) own
  getter ._ O (pid , super {cid}  s , def) | super  z
    with split-++ (Class.decls (Σ (cls _)) FIELD) _ O
  ... | own , inherited rewrite <:-unique z (rooted (Class.parent (Σ (cls cid)))) =
    getter _ inherited (pid , s , def)

  setter :  {W f a} cid  Obj W cid  IsMember cid FIELD f a  Val W a  Obj W cid
  setter (cls cid) O q v with rooted (cls cid)
  setter (cls cid) O (._ , ε , def) v | super  z with split-++ (Class.decls (Σ (cls _)) FIELD) _ O
  ... | own , inherited =
    (own All[ proj₁ (first⟶∈ def) ]≔' v) ++-all inherited
  setter (cls cid) O (._ , super  s , def) v | super  z with split-++ (Class.decls (Σ (cls _)) FIELD) _ O
  ... | own , inherited rewrite <:-unique z (rooted (Class.parent (Σ (cls cid)))) =
    own ++-all setter _ inherited (_ , s , def) v
  setter Object O mem v = ⊥-elim (∉Object mem)

  A default object instance can be created for every class simply by tabulating `default`
  over the types of all fields of a class.
  defaultObject' :  {W cid}  (ch : Σ  cid <: Object)  All  d  Val W (proj₂ d)) (collect ch FIELD)
  defaultObject' ε rewrite Σ-Object = []
  defaultObject' {cid = Object} (()  _)
  defaultObject' {cid = cls x} (super  z) =
    List∀.tabulate {xs = Class.decls (Σ (cls x)) FIELD} (λ{ {_ , ty} _  default ty})
    defaultObject' z

We collect these definitions under the abstract ObjEncoding interface for usage in the semantics
encoding : ObjEncoding
encoding = record {
    Obj = Obj ;
    weaken-obj = λ cid ext O  weaken-obj cid ext O ;
    getter = getter ;
    setter = setter ;
    defaultObject = λ cid  defaultObject' (rooted cid)