open import MJ.Types as Types
import MJ.Classtable.Core as Core

module MJ.Semantics.Values {c}(Ct : Core.Classtable c) where

open import Prelude

open import Level renaming (suc to lsuc; zero to lzero)
open import Data.List.Most
open import Data.List.Prefix

open Core c
open Classtable Ct
open import MJ.Classtable.Membership Ct
open import MJ.LexicalScope c
open import Common.Weakening

MJ inherits the values of STLC+Ref. In contrast to STCL+Ref, MJ also has
null-pointers; which we add as a constructor to our value type Val. The value
constructed by null is typed with an arbitrary reference type as it can be used
in place of any proper reference.
data Val (W : World c) : Ty c  Set where
  num  :   Val W int
  unit : Val W void
  null :  {C}  Val W (ref C)
  ref  :  {C P}  (obj C)  W  Σ  C <: P  Val W (ref P)

We can construct default values out of thin air for every type
default :  {W}  (a : Ty c)  Val W a
default void = unit
default int = num 0
default (ref x) = null

Value weakening
weaken-val :  {a}{W W' : World c}  W  W'  Val W' a  Val W a
weaken-val ext (num n) = num n
weaken-val ext unit = unit
weaken-val ext null = null
weaken-val ext (ref x sub) = ref (∈-⊒ x ext) sub

  val-weakenable :  {a}  Weakenable  W  Val W a)
  val-weakenable = record { wk = weaken-val }