module MJSF.Examples.DynamicDispatch where

open import Prelude
open import Data.Maybe hiding (All)
open import Data.Vec hiding (_∈_; init; _++_)
import Data.Vec.All as Vec∀
open import Data.Star
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.List
open import Data.Integer
open import Data.List.Any
open import Data.List.Any.Membership.Propositional
open import Data.List.All hiding (lookup)
open import Data.Product hiding (Σ)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable

k : 
k = 10

open import MJSF.Syntax k
open import ScopesFrames.ScopesFrames k Ty

  class Int {

      public int x;

      public int get() {
          return x;

      public int set(Int y) {
          x = y.x;
          return this.get();

  class IntInc extends Int {

      public int get() {
          return x + 1;

      public int inc(Int y) {
          Int x = new Int();
          x.x = y.x + 1;
          return set(x);

  class Main {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
          Int y = new Int();
          y.x = 18;
          IntInc x = new IntInc();
          x.x = 0;

          // should print 20 because we use the get() of IntInc

Root : Scope
Root = # 0

Int : Scope
Int = # 1

IntInc : Scope
IntInc = # 2

-- Main class omitted; main() function is given below, as child scope
-- of the root scope.

classes : List Ty
classes = (cᵗ Root Int 
           cᵗ Root IntInc  [])

Int-methods Int-fields : List Ty
Int-fields =
  {- x -} vᵗ int
Int-methods =
  {- Int.get -} mᵗ [] int 
  {- Int.set -} mᵗ (ref Int  []) int 

IntInc-methods IntInc-fields : List Ty
IntInc-methods =
  -- {- IntInc.get -} mᵗ [] int ∷
  {- -} mᵗ (ref Int  []) int 
IntInc-fields = []

g : Graph
-- root scope
g zero =
  classes , []

-- class scope of Int class
g (suc zero) =
  (Int-methods ++ Int-fields) , zero  []
-- class scope of IntInc class
g (suc (suc zero)) =
  (IntInc-methods ++ IntInc-fields) , zero  # 1  []

-- scope of Int.get method; 3
g (suc (suc (suc zero))) =
  [] , Int  []
-- scope of Int.set method; 4
g (suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))) =
  vᵗ (ref Int)  [] , Int  []

-- scope of IntInc.get method; 5
g (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero))))) =
  [] , IntInc  []
-- scope of method; 6
g (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))))) =
  vᵗ (ref Int)  [] , IntInc  []

-- local variable scope of method; 7
g (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero))))))) =
  vᵗ (ref Int)  [] , # 6  []

-- x local variable scope of Main.main method; 8
g (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))))))) =
  vᵗ (ref Int)  [] , Root  []

-- y local variable scope of Main.main method; 9
g (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero))))))))) =
  vᵗ (ref IntInc)  [] , # 8  []

g (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc ()))))))))))

open SyntaxG g
open UsesGraph g

IntImpl : Class Root Int
IntImpl =
  class0 {ms = Int-methods} {fs = Int-fields}
    -- methods
    (#m' (meth (# 3)
               (body ε
                     (var (path ((here refl)  []) (there (there (here refl))))))) 
    (#m' (meth (# 4)
               (body ( asgn (path ((here refl)  [])
                                  (there (there (here refl))))
                            (get (var (path [] (here refl)))
                                 (path [] (there (there (here refl)))))
                     (call (this [] (here refl))
                           (path [] (here refl))
                           []))))  [])
    -- fields
    ((#v' tt)  [])
    -- overrides

IntIncImpl : Class Root IntInc
IntIncImpl =
  class1 {ms = IntInc-methods} {fs = IntInc-fields}
    -- path to parent
    (path [] (here refl))
    -- methods
        (# 6)
        ( loc (# 7) (ref Int)
         asgn (path [] (here refl))
               (new (path ((here refl)  ((here refl)  ((here refl)  [])))
                             (here refl)))
         set (var (path [] (here refl)))
                  (path [] (there (there (here refl))))
                  (iop Data.Integer._+_
                       (get (var (path ((here refl)  []) (here refl)))
                            (path [] (there (there (here refl)))))
                       (num (+ 1)))
      (call (this (here refl  []) (here refl))
            (path (there (here refl)  []) (there (here refl)))
            ((var (path [] (here refl)))  [])))) 
    -- fields
    -- overrides
     (path ((there (here refl))  []) (here refl) ,
       (# 5)
         (iop Data.Integer._+_
              (var (path ((here refl)  ((there (here refl))  []))
                         (there (there (here refl)))))
                   (num (+ 1))))))  [])

main : Body Root int
main =
    ( (loc (# 8) (ref Int))
     asgn (path [] (here refl))
           (new (path (here refl  []) (here refl)))
     set (var (path [] (here refl)))
          (path [] (there (there (here refl))))
          (num (+ 18))
     loc (# 9) (ref IntInc)
     asgn (path [] (here refl))
           (new (path (here refl  here refl  [])
                      (there (here refl))))
     set (var (path [] (here refl)))
          (path (there (here refl)  []) (there (there (here refl))))
          (num (+ 0))

    (call (var (path [] (here refl)))
          (path [] (here refl))
          (var (path ((here refl)  []) (here refl))  []))

p : Program Root int
p = program classes
            (#c' (IntImpl , Int , obj Int  refl ⦄) 
            (#c' (IntIncImpl , Int , (super  refl  (obj Int  refl ⦄)))) 
            []) main

open import MJSF.Semantics
open Semantics _ g
open import MJSF.Values
open ValuesG _ g

test : p ⇓⟨ 100   v  v  num (+ 20) )
test = refl