open import Data.Nat hiding (_^_ ; _+_)
open import Data.List.Most
open import Data.Integer
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ([_])
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Function
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Star hiding (return ; _>>=_ ; map)

module MJSF.Semantics (k : ) where

open import MJSF.Syntax k
open import MJSF.Values k
open import MJSF.Monad k
open import ScopesFrames.ScopesFrames k Ty
open import Common.Weakening

-- This file contains the definitional interpreter for MJ using scopes
-- and frames, described in Section 5 of the paper.

module Semantics (g : Graph) where

  open SyntaxG g
  open ValuesG g
  open MonadG g
  open UsesVal Valᵗ valᵗ-weaken renaming (getFrame to getFrame') public


  -- The interpreter relies on a number of auxiliary function.  We
  -- briefly summarize each.

  -- In Java (and MJ), each field member of an object is initialized
  -- to have a default value.  The `default` function defines a
  -- default value for each value type in MJ.

  default : {Σ : List Scope}  (t : VTy)  Val t Σ
  default int     = num (+ 0)
  default (ref s) = null
  default void    = void

  -- An alias for mapping `default` over a list of well-typed values:

  defaults :  {fs : List Ty}{Σ}  All (#v  _  )) fs  Slots fs Σ
  defaults fs = map-all (λ{ (#v' {t} _)  vᵗ (default t) }) fs

  -- `override` overrides methods in parent objects by overwriting
  -- method slots in super class frames by overriding child methods.
  -- This notion of overriding does not straightforwardly scale to
  -- deal with `super`, but `super` is not a part of MJ.  See the
  -- paper or the MJ semantics in the appendix of this artifact for
  -- discussion and inspiration for how to represent class methods
  -- separately from object representations.

  override :  {s Σ oms} 
             All (#m  ts t  (s  (mᵗ ts t)) × Meth s ts t)) oms 
             M s  _  ) Σ
  override [] =
    return tt
  override (#m' (p , m)  oms) =
    getFrame >>= λ f 
    setv p (mᵗ f m) >>= λ _ 
    override oms

  -- `init-obj` takes as input a class definition and a witness that
  -- the class has a finite inheritance chain.  The function is
  -- structurally recursive over the inheritance chain finity witness.
  -- Each object is initialized by using the `initι` function, which
  -- allows us to refer to the "self" frame and store it in method
  -- definitions (i.e., the `fc` passed to the method value
  -- constructor `mᵗ` in `map-all` below).
  -- Method slots are initialized using the method members in the
  -- class definition.  Field slots are initialized using `defaults`
  -- defined above.
  -- After frame initialization, overrides are applied by using
  -- `override` defined above.
  -- `init-obj` is assumed to be invoked in the context of the root
  -- frame, which all objects are linked to (because all scopes have
  -- an edge to the root scope).

  init-obj :  { s s' Σ}  Class  s  Inherits s s'  M  (Frame s) Σ
  init-obj (class0 ms fs oms) (obj _)
    = getFrame >>= λ f 
      initι _  fc  (map-all (λ{ (#m' m)  mᵗ fc m }) ms) ++-all (defaults fs)) (f  []) >>= λ f' 
      (usingFrame f' (override oms) ^ f') >>= λ{ (_ , f') 
      return f' }
  init-obj (class0  shape  _ _ _) (super  shape'  _)
    with (trans (sym shape) shape')
  ...  | () -- absurd case: the scope shapes of `class0` and `super` do not match
  init-obj (class1 p  shape  ms fs oms) (super  shape'  x)
    with (trans (sym shape) shape')
  ...  | refl =
    getv p >>= λ{ (cᵗ class' ic f') 
    (usingFrame f' (init-obj class' x) ^ f') >>= λ{ (f , f') 
    initι _  shape   fc  (map-all (λ{ (#m' m)  mᵗ fc m }) ms) ++-all (defaults fs)) (f'  f  []) >>= λ f'' 
    (usingFrame f'' (override oms) ^ f'') >>= λ{ (_ , f'') 
    return f'' }}}
  init-obj (class1 _  shape  _ _ _) (obj _  shape' ⦄)
    with (trans (sym shape) shape')
  ...  | () -- absurd case: the scope shapes of `class1` and `obj` do not match


  -- In order to deal with early returns, we define a specialized bind
  -- which stops evaluation and returns the yielded value.

  _>>=ᶜ_     :   {s s' s'' r Σ} 
               M s  Σ  Val r Σ  Frame s' Σ) Σ 
               (∀ {Σ'}  Frame s' Σ'  M s  Σ  Val r Σ  Frame s'' Σ) Σ') 
               M s  Σ  Val r Σ  Frame s'' Σ) Σ
  (m >>=ᶜ f) = m >>= λ{
      (inj₁ v)  return (inj₁ v) ;
      (inj₂ fr)  f fr

  -- Continue is used to indicate that evaluation should continue.

  continue :  {s r Σ}  M s  Σ  Val r Σ  Frame s Σ) Σ
  continue = fmap inj₂ getFrame



    eval    :     {t s Σ}  Expr s t  M s (Val t) Σ
    eval zero _ =
    eval (suc k) (upcast σ e) =
      eval k e >>= λ v 
      return (upcastRef σ v)
    eval (suc k) (num x) =
      return (num x)
    eval (suc k) (iop x l r) =
      eval k l >>= λ{ (num il) 
      eval k r >>= λ{ (num ir) 
      return (num (il + ir)) }}
    eval (suc k) null =
      return null
    eval (suc k) (var x) =
      getv x >>= λ{ (vᵗ v) 
      return v }
    eval (suc k) (new x) =
      getv x >>= λ{ (cᵗ class ic f) 
      usingFrame f (init-obj class ic) >>= λ{ f' 
      return (ref [] f') }}
    eval (suc k) (get e p) =
      eval k e >>= λ{
        null  raise ;
        (ref p' f) 
          usingFrame f (getv (prepend p' p)) >>= λ{ (vᵗ v) 
          return v }}
    eval (suc k) (call e p args) =
      eval k e >>= λ {
        null  raise ;
        (ref p' f) 
          usingFrame f (getv (prepend p' p)) >>= λ{ (mᵗ f' (meth s b))   -- f' is the "self"
          (eval-args k args ^ f') >>= λ{ (slots , f') 
          init s slots (f'  []) >>= λ f''   -- f' is the static link of the method call frame
          usingFrame f'' (eval-body k b) }}}
    eval (suc k) (this p e) =
      getf p >>= λ f 
      usingFrame f (getl e) >>= λ f' 
      return (ref [] f')

    eval-args :    {s ts Σ}  All (Expr s) ts  M s (Slots (map vᵗ ts)) Σ
    eval-args zero _ = timeoutᴹ
    eval-args (suc k) [] = return []
    eval-args (suc k) (e  es) =
      eval k e >>= λ v 
      (eval-args k es ^ v) >>= λ{ (slots , v) 
      return (vᵗ v  slots) }


    -- The following functions use the early returns monadic bind and
    -- `continue` operation defined above.

    eval-stmt :    {s s' r Σ}  Stmt s r s'  M s  Σ  Val r Σ  Frame s' Σ) Σ
    eval-stmt zero _ = timeoutᴹ
    eval-stmt (suc k) (run e) =
      eval k e >>= λ _ 
    eval-stmt (suc k) (ifz c t e) =
      eval k c >>= λ{
        (num (+ zero))  eval-stmt k t
      ; (num i)  eval-stmt k e }
    eval-stmt (suc k) (set e p e') =
      eval k e >>= λ{
        null  raise ;
        (ref p' f) 
          (eval k e' ^ f) >>= λ{ (v , f) 
          usingFrame f (setv (prepend p' p) (vᵗ v)) >>= λ _  continue }}
    eval-stmt (suc k) (loc s t) =
      getFrame >>= λ f 
      fmap inj₂ (init s (vᵗ (default t)  []) (f  [])) -- initializes a new local variable frame
    eval-stmt (suc k) (asgn x e) =
      eval k e >>= λ{ v 
      setv x (vᵗ v) >>= λ _ 
      continue }
    eval-stmt (suc k) (block stmts) =
      eval-stmts k stmts >>= λ{ _ 
      continue }
    eval-stmt (suc k) (ret e) =
      eval k e >>= λ{ v 
      return (inj₁ v) }

    eval-stmts :    {s r s' Σ}  Stmts s r s'  M s  Σ  Val r Σ  Frame s' Σ) Σ
    eval-stmts zero _ =
    eval-stmts (suc k) ε =
    eval-stmts (suc k) (stmt  stmts) =
      eval-stmt k stmt >>=ᶜ λ f' 
      usingFrame f' (eval-stmts k stmts)


    -- Defined in terms of statement evaluation; handles early returns:

    eval-body :    {s t Σ}  Body s t  M s (Val t) Σ
    eval-body zero _ =
    eval-body (suc k) (body stmts e) =
      eval-stmts k stmts >>= λ{
        (inj₁ v)   return v
      ; (inj₂ fr)  usingFrame fr (eval k e) }
    eval-body (suc k) (body-void stmts) =
      eval-stmts k stmts >>= λ _ 
      return void


  -- Program evaluation first initializes the root frame to store all
  -- class definitions, and subsequently evaluates the program main
  -- function in the context of this root scope.
  -- We use `initι` to initialize the root frame since class
  -- definition values (`cᵗ`) store a pointer to the root frame, i.e.,
  -- slots in the root frame are self-referential.

  eval-program :    { t}  Program  t  Res ( λ Σ'  (Heap Σ' × Val t Σ'))
  eval-program k (program _ cs b) =
    let (f₀ , h₀) = initFrameι _  f  map-all (λ{ (#c' (c , _ , ic))  cᵗ c ic f }) cs) [] []
    in case (eval-body k b f₀ h₀) of λ{
         (ok (Σ' , h' , v , _))  ok (Σ' , h' , v)
       ; timeout  timeout
       ; nullpointer  nullpointer }

  -- For the purpose of running the interpreter on test programs, we
  -- introduce some short-hand notation:

  -- The program will terminate succesfully in a state where p holds
  _⇓⟨_⟩_ :  { a}  Program  a    (p :  {Σ}  Val a Σ  Set)  Set
  p ⇓⟨ k  P with eval-program k p
  ... | nullpointer = 
  ... | timeout = 
  ... | ok (_ , _ , v) = P v

  -- The program will raise an exception in a state where p holds
  _⇓⟨_⟩!_ :  { a}  Program  a    (p :  {Σ}  Val a Σ  Set)  Set
  p ⇓⟨ k ⟩! P with eval-program k p
  ... | nullpointer = 
  ... | timeout = 
  ... | ok (_ , _ , v) =