module STLCRef.SemanticsLB where

-- This file contains a definitional interpreter for STLC+Ref as
-- described in Section 3 of the paper.  The interpreter operates with
-- the notion of monadic bind described in Section 3.3 of the paper;
-- see `Semantics.agda` for the version of the interpreter of STLC+Ref
-- using monadic strength as described in Section 3.4 of the paper.

open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Nat hiding (_⊔_ ; _^_)
open import Data.Integer hiding (_⊔_)
open import Data.List.Most
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Maybe hiding (All)
open import Data.List.All as List∀
open import Data.List.Any
open import Data.List.Prefix
open import Data.List.Properties.Extra
open import Data.List.All.Properties.Extra
open import Function
open import Common.Weakening

-- SYNTAX --

-- These definitions correspond to Section 3.1, except we have
-- included integers, integer operations, and a simple conditional
-- expression (if-zero) in the language.

data Ty : Set

Ctx = List Ty

data Ty where
  _⇒_  : (a b : Ty)  Ty
  unit : Ty
  int  : Ty
  ref  : Ty -> Ty

data Expr (Γ : List Ty) : Ty  Set where
  unit  : Expr Γ unit
  var   :  {t}  t  Γ  Expr Γ t
  ƛ     :  {a b}  Expr (a  Γ) b  Expr Γ (a  b)
  _·_   :  {a b}  Expr Γ (a  b)  Expr Γ a  Expr Γ b
  num   :   Expr Γ int
  iop   : (    )  (l r : Expr Γ int)  Expr Γ int
  ifz   :  {t}  Expr Γ int  Expr Γ t  Expr Γ t  Expr Γ t
  ref   :  {t}  Expr Γ t  Expr Γ (ref t)
  !_    :  {t}  Expr Γ (ref t)  Expr Γ t
  _≔_   :  {t}  Expr Γ (ref t)  Expr Γ t  Expr Γ unit


StoreTy = List Ty

-- `Val` uses `_∈_` from `Relation.Binary` in the Agda Standard
-- Library to represent typed locations which witness the existence of
-- a store location in the store type.

  data Val : Ty  (Σ : StoreTy)  Set where
    loc    :  {Σ t}  t  Σ  Val (ref t) Σ
    unit   :  {Σ}  Val unit Σ
    ⟨_,_⟩  :  {Σ Γ a b}  Expr (a  Γ) b  Env Γ Σ  Val (a  b) Σ
    num   :  {Σ}    Val int Σ

  Env : (Γ : Ctx)(Σ : StoreTy)  Set
  Env Γ Σ = All  t  Val t Σ) Γ

Store : (Σ : StoreTy)  Set
Store Σ = All  t  Val t Σ) Σ

-- The `lookup-store` function is defined in terms of the `lookup`
-- function from `Data.List.All` in the Agda Standard Library.
lookup-store :  {Σ t}  t  Σ  Store Σ  Val t Σ
lookup-store x μ = lookup μ x

-- The `update-store` function is defined in terms of the update
-- function for the `All` type: `_All[_]≔'_` from the Standard Library
-- extension (contained in the `lib/*` folder of this artifact).
update-store :  {Σ t}  t  Σ  Val t Σ  Store Σ  Store Σ
update-store ptr v μ = μ All[ ptr ]≔' v

-- MONAD --

-- These definitions correspond to Section 3.3.

M :  {i}(Γ : Ctx)  (p : StoreTy  Set i)  (Σ : StoreTy)  Set i
M Γ p Σ = Env Γ Σ  Store Σ  Maybe ( λ Σ'  Store Σ' × p Σ' × Σ  Σ')

  weaken-val  :  {a}{Σ Σ' : StoreTy}  Σ  Σ'  Val a Σ  Val a Σ'
  weaken-val ext unit      = unit
  weaken-val ext (loc l)   = loc (∈-⊒ l ext)
  weaken-val ext  e , E  =  e , weaken-env ext E 
  weaken-val ext (num z)   = num z

  weaken-env  :  {Γ}{Σ Σ' : StoreTy}  Σ  Σ'  Env Γ Σ  Env Γ Σ'
  weaken-env ext (v  vs)  = weaken-val ext v  weaken-env ext vs
  weaken-env ext []        = []

return   :     {Σ Γ}{p : List Ty  Set}  p Σ  M Γ p Σ
return x E μ = just (_ , μ , x , ⊑-refl)

_>>=_ :  {Σ Γ}{p q : StoreTy  Set} 
        (f : M Γ p Σ)  (g :  {Σ'}  Σ  Σ'  p Σ'  M Γ q Σ')  M Γ q Σ
(f >>= c) E μ = case (f E μ) of λ{
  nothing  nothing ;
  (just (_ , μ' , x , ext))  case (c ext x (weaken-env ext E) μ') of λ{
    nothing  nothing ;
    (just (_ , μ'' , y , ext'))  just (_ , μ'' , y , ext  ext')

getEnv  :  {Σ Γ}  M Γ (Env Γ) Σ
getEnv E = return E E

usingEnv :  {Σ Γ Γ'}{p : List Ty  Set}  Env Γ Σ  M Γ p Σ  M Γ' p Σ
usingEnv E f  _ = f E

timeout :  {Σ Γ}{p : List Ty  Set}  M Γ p Σ
timeout _ _ = nothing

store :  {Σ t Γ}  Val t Σ  M Γ (Val (ref t)) Σ
store {Σ} {t} v _ μ
  = let ext = ∷ʳ-⊒ t Σ
        v'  = loc (∈-∷ʳ Σ t)
        μ'  = (List∀.map (weaken-val ext) μ) all-∷ʳ (weaken-val ext v)
    in just (_ , μ' , v' , ext)

deref :  {Σ Γ t}  t  Σ  M Γ (Val t) Σ
deref x E μ = return (lookup μ x) E μ

update :  {Σ Γ t}  t  Σ  Val t Σ  M Γ  _  ) Σ
update x v E μ = return tt E (update-store x v μ)

eval :    {Σ Γ t}  Expr Γ t  M Γ (Val t) Σ
eval zero    _           =
eval (suc k) unit        =
  return unit
eval (suc k) (var x)     =
  getEnv >>= λ _ E 
  return (lookup E x)
eval (suc k) (ƛ e)       =
  getEnv >>= λ _ E 
  return  e , E 
eval (suc k) (l · r)     =
  eval k l >>= λ{ ext  e , E  
  eval k r >>= λ ext' v 
  usingEnv (v  weaken-env ext' E) (eval k e) }  -- explicit weakening
eval (suc k) (num x)     =
  return (num x)
eval (suc k) (iop f l r) =
  eval k l >>= λ{ _ (num v) 
  eval k r >>= λ{ _ (num vᵣ) 
  return (num (f v vᵣ)) }}
eval (suc k) (ifz c t e) =
  eval k c >>= λ{ _ (num z) 
  case z of λ{ (+ zero) 
    eval k t
  ; _ 
    eval k e }}
eval (suc k) (ref e)     =
  eval k e >>= λ _ v 
  store v
eval (suc k) (! e)       =
  eval k e >>= λ{ _ (loc l) 
  deref l }
eval (suc k) (r  e)     =
  eval k r >>= λ{ _ (loc l) 
  eval k e >>= λ ext v 
  update (∈-⊒ l ext) v >>= λ _ _              -- explicit weakening
  return unit }