open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Nat hiding (_⊔_ ; _^_)
open import Data.Integer hiding (_⊔_)
open import Data.List.Most
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Maybe hiding (All)
open import Data.List.All as List∀
open import Data.List.Any
open import Data.List.Prefix
open import Data.List.Properties.Extra
open import Data.List.All.Properties.Extra
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ([_])
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Common.Weakening

-- This file contains the definitional interpreter for STLC using
-- scopes and frames, described in Section 4 of the paper.

-- The scopes-and-frames library assumes that we are given a
-- particular scope graph, with `k` scopes.  The following module is
-- parameterized by a `k` representing the number of scopes that a
-- particular object language program has.

module STLCSF.Semantics (k : ) where

-- TYPES --

data Ty : Set where
  unit : Ty
  _⇒_  : (a b : Ty)  Ty
  int  : Ty

-- The library is loaded and passed two arguments:
-- * `k` is the size of the scope graph for an object program
-- * `Ty` is the type of declarations in the scope graph

open import ScopesFrames.ScopesFrames k Ty

-- Our interpreter is parameterized by a scope graph, via the module
-- below.

module Syntax (g : Graph) where

  -- We load all the scope graph definitions in the scope graph
  -- library, by passing the object scope graph `g` as module
  -- parameter:
  open UsesGraph g

  -- SYNTAX --

  -- We can now define our well-typed syntax as described in the paper
  -- Section 4.2:
  data Expr (s : Scope) : Ty  Set where
    unit  : Expr s unit
    var   :  {t}  (s  t)  Expr s t
    ƛ     :  {s' a b}   shape : g s'  ( [ a ] , [ s ] )   Expr s' b  Expr s (a  b)
    _·_   :  {a b}  Expr s (a  b)  Expr s a  Expr s b
    num   :   Expr s int
    iop   : (    )  (l r : Expr s int)  Expr s int

  -- VALUES --

  -- We can also define well-typed values as described in the paper
  -- Section 4.4:
  data Val : Ty  (Σ : HeapTy)  Set where
    unit   :  {Σ}  Val unit Σ
    ⟨_,_⟩  :  {Σ s s' a b}⦃ shape : g s'  ( [ a ] , [ s ] )  
             Expr s' b  Frame s Σ  Val (a  b) Σ
    num    :  {Σ}    Val int Σ

  val-weaken :  {t Σ Σ'}  Σ  Σ'  Val t Σ  Val t Σ'
  val-weaken ext  e , f  =  e , wk ext f 
  val-weaken ext unit      = unit
  val-weaken ext (num z)   = num z

  -- We can now load the frames definitions of the scopes-and-frames
  -- library.  As described in Section 4.3 of the paper, our notion of
  -- frame assumes a notion of weakenable value, to be passed as
  -- module arguments to `UsesVal`:
  open UsesVal Val val-weaken renaming (getFrame to getFrame')

  -- We rename `getFrame` from the scopes-and-frames library so that
  -- we can use `getFrame` as the name of the monadic operation which
  -- returns the "current frame pointer" below.

  -- MONAD --

  -- These definitions correspond to Section 4.4.

  M : (s : Scope)  (HeapTy  Set)  HeapTy  Set
  M s p Σ = Frame s Σ  Heap Σ  Maybe ( λ Σ'  (Heap Σ' × p Σ' × Σ  Σ'))

  _>>=_       :   {s Σ}{p q : List Scope  Set} 
                 M s p Σ  (∀ {Σ'}  p Σ'  M s q Σ')  M s q Σ
  (a >>= b) f h
    with (a f h)
  ...  | nothing = nothing
  ...  | just (Σ , h' , v , ext)
       with (b v (wk ext f) h')
  ...     | nothing = nothing
  ...     | just (Σ' , h'' , v' , ext') = just (Σ' , h'' , v' , ext  ext')

  return      :   {s Σ}{p : List Scope  Set}  p Σ  M s p Σ
  return v f h = just (_ , h , v , ⊑-refl)

  getFrame    :   {s Σ}  M s (Frame s) Σ
  getFrame f = return f f

  usingFrame  :   {s s' Σ}{p : List Scope  Set}  Frame s Σ  M s p Σ  M s' p Σ
  usingFrame f a _ = a f

  timeout     :   {s Σ}{p : List Scope  Set}  M s p Σ
  timeout _ _ = nothing

  init        :   {Σ s' ds es}(s : Scope)⦃ shape : g s  (ds , es)  
                 Slots ds Σ  Links es Σ  M s' (Frame s) Σ
  init {Σ} s slots links _ h
    with (initFrame s slots links h)
  ...  | (f' , h') = just (_ , h' , f' , ∷ʳ-⊒ s Σ)

  getv        :   {s t Σ}  (s  t)  M s (Val t) Σ
  getv p f h = return (getVal p f h) f h

  _^_         :   {Σ Γ}{p q : List Scope  Set}   w : Weakenable q  
                 M Γ p Σ  q Σ  M Γ (p  q) Σ
  (a ^ x) f h
    with (a f h)
  ...  | nothing = nothing
  ...  | just (Σ , h' , v , ext) = just (Σ , h' , (v , wk ext x) , ext)

  sₑ :  {s t}  Expr s t  Scope
  sₑ {s} _ = s

  eval :    {s t Σ}  Expr s t  M s (Val t) Σ
  eval zero     _      =
  eval (suc k) unit    =
    return unit
  eval (suc k) (var x) =
    getv x
  eval (suc k) (ƛ e)   =
    getFrame >>= λ f 
    return  e , f 
  eval (suc k) (l · r) =
    eval k l >>= λ{  e , f  
    (eval k r ^ f) >>= λ{ (v , f) 
    init (sₑ e) (v  []) (f  []) >>= λ f' 
    usingFrame f' (eval k e) }}
  eval (suc k) (num z) =
    return (num z)
  eval (suc k) (iop f l r) =
    eval k l >>= λ{ (num z₁) 
    eval k r >>= λ{ (num z₂) 
    return (num (f z₁ z₂)) }}