module Data.List.First {}{A : Set } where

open import Data.Product
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.Any
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Level
open import Function
open import Data.Empty

-- proof that an element is the first in a vector to satisfy the predicate B
data First {b}(B : A  Set b) : (x : A)  List A  Set (  b) where

  here  :  {x : A}  (p : B x)  {v : List A}  First B x (x  v)
  there :  {x} {v : List A} (x' : A)  ¬ (B x')  First B x v  First B x (x'  v)

-- get the witness of B x from the element ∈ First
first⟶witness :  {B : A  Set} {x l}  First B x l  B x
first⟶witness (here p) = p
first⟶witness (there x ¬px f) = first⟶witness f

-- more likable syntax for the above structure
first_∈_⇒_ :  {p}  A  List A  (B : A  Set p)  Set (p  )
first_∈_⇒_ x v p = First p x v

-- a decision procedure to find the first element in a vector that satisfies a predicate
find :  (P : A  Set)  ((a : A)  Dec (P a))  (v : List A) 
       Dec ( λ e  first e  v  P)
find P dec [] = no (λ{ (e , ()) })
find P dec (x  v) with dec x
find P dec (x  v) | yes px = yes (x , here px)
find P dec (x  v) | no ¬px with find P dec v
find P dec (x  v) | no ¬px | yes firstv = yes (, there x ¬px (proj₂ firstv))
find P dec (x  v) | no ¬px | no ¬firstv = no $ helper ¬px ¬firstv
    helper : ¬ (P x)  ¬ ( λ e  First P e v)  ¬ ( λ e  First P e (x  v))
    helper ¬px ¬firstv (.x , here p) = ¬px p
    helper ¬px ¬firstv (u  , there ._ _ firstv) = ¬firstv (u , firstv)