{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

open import Level
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)
open import Data.Product hiding (swap; curry)
open import Data.List.Most
open import Data.List.All as List∀
open import Data.List.Prefix
open import Function as Fun using (case_of_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning

import Experiments.Category as Cat

module Experiments.StrongMonad
  (Type : Set)
  (Val : Type  Cat.MP₀ (⊑-preorder {A = Type}))
  (funext :  {a b}  Extensionality a b) where

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Extensionality funext

open Cat (⊑-preorder {A = Type})
open Product

World = List Type

Store : World  Set
Store Σ = All  a  Val a · Σ) Σ

import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality as H
module HR = H.≅-Reasoning

mcong :  {Σₛ Σ Σ' }{P : MP }
        {μ : Store Σ}{μ' : Store Σ'}{p : Σ  Σₛ}{p' : Σ'  Σₛ}{q : P · Σ}{q' : P · Σ'} 
        Σ  Σ'  p H.≅ p'  μ H.≅ μ'  q H.≅ q'  (Σ , p , μ , q)  (Σ' , p' , μ' , q')
mcong refl H.refl H.refl H.refl = refl

-- The monad takes monotone predicates over worlds
-- to monotone functions over stores in these worlds.
M :  {}  MP   MP 
M P = mp  Σ   Σ₁  (ext : Σ  Σ₁)  (μ : Store Σ₁)   λ Σ₂  Σ₂  Σ₁ × Store Σ₂ × P · Σ₂)
  record {
    monotone = λ w₀ f Σ w₁ μ  f Σ (⊑-trans w₀ w₁) μ ;
    monotone-refl = λ f  funext³  Σ₁ _ μ  cong  u  f Σ₁ u μ) ⊑-trans-refl) ;
    monotone-trans = λ f w₀ w₁  funext³  Σ₁ w₂ μ  cong  u  f Σ₁ u μ) (sym ⊑-trans-assoc))

-- η is the natural transformation between the identity functor and the functor M
η :  {p}(P : MP p)  P  M P
η P =
     p Σ ext μ  Σ , ⊑-refl , μ , MP.monotone P ext p)
     c~c' {p}  begin
       z ext μ  z , ⊑-refl , μ , MP.monotone P ext (MP.monotone P c~c' p))
        ≡⟨ funext³  z ext μ  cong  u  z , ⊑-refl , μ , u) (sym (MP.monotone-trans P p c~c' ext))) 
       z ext μ  z , ⊑-refl , μ , MP.monotone P (⊑-trans c~c' ext) p)
        ≡⟨ refl 
      MP.monotone (M P) c~c'  z ext μ  z , ⊑-refl , μ , MP.monotone P ext p)

μ :  {p}(P : MP p)  M (M P)  M P
μ P = mk⇒
   pc Σ₁ ext μ 
    case pc Σ₁ ext μ of λ{
      (Σ₂ , ext₁ , μ₁ , f) 
        case f Σ₂ ⊑-refl μ₁ of λ{
          (Σ₃ , ext₂ , μ₂ , v)  Σ₃ , ⊑-trans ext₁ ext₂ , μ₂ , v
   c~c'  refl)

fmap :  {p q}{P : MP p}{Q : MP q}  (P  Q)  M P  M Q
fmap F = mk⇒
   x Σ₁ ext μ  case x Σ₁ ext μ of λ{
    (Σ₂ , ext₁ , μ₁ , v)  Σ₂ , ext₁ , μ₁ , apply F v
   c~c'  refl)

bind :  {p q}{P : MP p}(Q : MP q)  (P  M Q)  M P  M Q
bind Q F = μ Q  fmap F

open Exponential (sym ⊑-trans-assoc) ⊑-trans-refl ⊑-trans-refl'

module Coherence where
  -- We prove that η is the component of a natural transformation between the functors
  -- 𝕀 and M where 𝕀 is the identity functor.
  η-natural :  {p q}(P : MP p)(Q : MP q)(F : P  Q)  η Q  F ⇒≡ (fmap F)  η P
  η-natural P Q F p =
      apply (η Q  F) p
        ≡⟨ refl 
      apply (η Q) (apply F p)
        ≡⟨ refl 
       Σ ext μ  Σ , ⊑-refl , μ , MP.monotone Q ext (apply F p))
        ≡⟨ funext³  Σ ext μ  cong  u  Σ , ⊑-refl , μ , u) (sym (monotone-comm F ext))) 
       Σ ext μ  Σ , ⊑-refl , μ , apply F (MP.monotone P ext p))
        ≡⟨ refl 
      apply (fmap F)  Σ ext μ  Σ , ⊑-refl , μ , MP.monotone P ext p)
        ≡⟨ refl 
      apply (fmap F) (apply (η P) p)
        ≡⟨ refl 
      apply (fmap F  η P) p

  -- We prove that μ is the component of a natural transformation between
  -- the functors M² and M.
  μ-natural :  {p q}(P : MP p)(Q : MP q)(F : P  Q)  μ Q  (fmap (fmap F)) ⇒≡ (fmap F)  μ P
  μ-natural P Q F = λ p  refl

  -- from these facts we can prove the monad laws
  left-id :  {p}{P : MP p}  μ P  fmap (η P) ⇒≡ id (M P)
  left-id {P = P} p = funext³
    λ Σ₁ ext μ₁  mcong {P = P} refl (lem refl) H.refl (H.≡-to-≅ (MP.monotone-refl P _))
      lem :  {Σ Σ' Σ'' : World}{xs : Σ''  Σ'}{ys : Σ''  Σ}  Σ  Σ'   ⊑-trans xs ⊑-refl H.≅ ys
      lem {xs = xs}{ys} refl with ⊑-unique xs ys
      ... | refl = H.≡-to-≅ ⊑-trans-refl'

  right-id :  {p}{P : MP p}  μ P  (η (M P)) ⇒≡ id (M P)
  right-id {P = P} p = funext³ λ Σ₁ ext μ₁ 
    let f = (λ{(Σ₃ , ext₂ , μ₂ , v)  Σ₃ , ⊑-trans ⊑-refl ext₂ , μ₂ , v}) in
        (cong f (cong  u  p Σ₁ u μ₁) ⊑-trans-refl'))
        (mcong {P = P} refl (H.≡-to-≅ ⊑-trans-refl) H.refl H.refl )

  -- if we have a (M³ P) then it doesn't matter if we join
  -- the outer or inner ones first.
  assoc :  {p}{P : MP p}  μ P  (fmap (μ P)) ⇒≡ μ P  μ (M P)
  assoc {P = P} p = funext³ λ Σ₁ ext μ  mcong {P = P} refl (H.≡-to-≅ ⊑-trans-assoc) H.refl H.refl

  -- fmap makes M a functor
  fmap-id :  {}{P : MP }  fmap (id P) ⇒≡ id (M P)
  fmap-id = λ p  refl

  fmap-∘ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃}{P : MP ℓ₁}{Q : MP ℓ₂}{R : MP ℓ₃}(F : P  Q)(G : Q  R) 
           fmap (G  F) ⇒≡ fmap G  fmap F
  fmap-∘ F G = λ p  refl

module Strong where
  -- tensorial strength
  ts :  {p q}(P : MP p)(Q : MP q)  P  M Q  M (P  Q)
  ts P Q = mk⇒
     x Σ₁ ext μ 
      case (proj₂ x) Σ₁ ext μ of λ{
        (_ , ext₁ , μ₁ , v )  _ , ext₁ , μ₁ , (MP.monotone P (⊑-trans ext ext₁) (proj₁ x)) , v
      funext³ λ Σ₁ ext μ₁ 
      mcong {P = (P  Q)} refl H.refl H.refl (
        H.cong₂ {A = P · _}{B = λ _  Q · _}  u v  u , v)
          (H.≡-to-≅ (begin
            MP.monotone P (⊑-trans ext _) _
              ≡⟨ (MP.monotone-trans P _ _ _) 
            MP.monotone P _ (MP.monotone P ext (MP.monotone P c~c' _))
              ≡⟨ cong  x  MP.monotone P _ x) (sym ((MP.monotone-trans P _ _ _))) 
            MP.monotone P _ (MP.monotone P (⊑-trans c~c' ext) _)
              ≡⟨ sym ((MP.monotone-trans P _ _ _)) 
            MP.monotone P (⊑-trans (⊑-trans c~c' ext) _) _

  ts' :  {p q}(P : MP p)(Q : MP q)  M P  Q  M (P  Q)
  ts' P Q = fmap (swap Q P)  ts Q P  swap _ _

  diagram₁ :  {}{P : MP }  fmap {P =   P} (π₂ {P = })  ts  P ⇒≡ π₂ {P = }
  diagram₁ = λ p  refl

  diagram₂ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃}{A : MP ℓ₁}{B : MP ℓ₂}{C : MP ℓ₃} 
            fmap (comm A B C)  ts (A  B) C ⇒≡ ts A (B  C)  xmap (id A) (ts B C)  comm A B (M C)
  diagram₂ = λ p  refl

  diagram₃ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}(A : MP ℓ₁)(B : MP ℓ₂) 
             η (A  B) ⇒≡ ts A B  xmap (id A) (η B)
  diagram₃ A B (a , b) = funext³ λ Σ ext r  mcong {P = A  B} refl H.refl H.refl
      (cong₂ _,_
           ext a  MP.monotone A ext a)
          (trans (sym ⊑-trans-refl') (cong  r  ⊑-trans ext r) refl))
        (cong  x  x) refl)))

  diagram₄ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}{A : MP ℓ₁}{B : MP ℓ₂} 
            ts A B  xmap (id A) (μ B) ⇒≡ μ (A  B)  fmap (ts A B)  ts A (M B)
  diagram₄ {A = A}{B} p@(l , r) =
    funext³ λ Σ₁ ext μ' 
      mcong {P = A  B} refl H.refl H.refl (
        H.cong (Fun.flip _,_ _)
          (H.≡-to-≅ (
              (cong  u  MP.monotone A u l) ⊑-trans-assoc)
                (MP.monotone-trans A l (⊑-trans ext _) _)
                   u  MP.monotone A u (MP.monotone A (⊑-trans _ _) l))
                  (sym ⊑-trans-refl))))))

  -- internal fmap
  fmap' :  {p q}{P : MP p}{Q : MP q}  (Q ^ P)  (M Q) ^ (M P)
  fmap' {P = P}{Q} = curry (fmap ε  ts (Q ^ P) P)

  -- internal bind
  bind' :  {p q}{P : MP p}(Q : MP q)  (M P  (M Q ^ P))  M Q
  bind' {P = P} Q =
    μ Q
     fmap (ε  swap P (M Q ^ P))
     ts' P (M Q ^ P)