module STLC.Semantics where

-- This file contains the definitional interpreter for STLC described
-- in Section 2 of the paper.

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Integer
open import Data.List.Most
open import Data.Maybe hiding (All)

-- SYNTAX --

-- These definitions correspond to Section 2.1, except we have
-- included numbers (integers) and integer operations in the language.

data Ty : Set where
  unit : Ty
  _⇒_  : (a b : Ty)  Ty
  int  : Ty

Ctx = List Ty

-- Below, `Expr` uses `_∈_` from `Relation.Binary` in the Agda
-- Standard Library to represent typed de Bruijn indices which witness
-- the existence of an entry in the type context.

data Expr (Γ : Ctx) : Ty  Set where
  unit  : Expr Γ unit
  var   :  {t}  t  Γ  Expr Γ t
  ƛ     :  {a b}  Expr (a  Γ) b  Expr Γ (a  b)
  _·_   :  {a b}  Expr Γ (a  b)  Expr Γ a  Expr Γ b
  num   :   Expr Γ int
  iop   : (    )  (l r : Expr Γ int)  Expr Γ int


-- These definitions correspond to Section 2.2.
-- Note that the `All` type described in Section 2.2 of the paper (for
-- simplicity) does not mention universe levels, whereas the `All`
-- definition below refers to `Data.List.All` in the Agda Standard
-- Library which is defined in a universe polymorphic manner.

  data Val : Ty  Set where
    unit  : Val unit
    ⟨_,_⟩ :  {Γ a b}  Expr (a  Γ) b  Env Γ  Val (a  b)
    num   :   Val int

  Env : Ctx  Set
  Env Γ = All Val Γ

-- The `lookup` function described in Section 2.2 of the paper is also
-- defined in `Data.List.All` in the Agda Standard Library.

-- MONAD --

-- These definitions correspond to Section 2.3.

M : Ctx  Set  Set
M Γ a  =  Env Γ  Maybe a

_>>=_    :  {Γ a b}  M Γ a  (a  M Γ b)  M Γ b
(f >>= c) E with (f E)
... | just x = c x E
... | nothing = nothing

return   :  {Γ a}  a  M Γ a
return x E = just x

getEnv   :  {Γ}  M Γ (Env Γ)
getEnv E = return E E

usingEnv :  {Γ Γ' a}  Env Γ  M Γ a  M Γ' a
usingEnv E f _ = f E

timeout  :  {Γ a}  M Γ a
timeout = λ _  nothing


-- These definitions correspond to Section 2.4.

eval :    {Γ t}  Expr Γ t  M Γ (Val t)
eval zero     _           =
eval (suc k)  unit        =
  return unit
eval (suc k)  (var x)     =
  getEnv >>= λ E 
  return (lookup E x)
eval (suc k)  (ƛ b)       =
  getEnv >>= λ E 
  return  b , E 
eval (suc k)  (l · r)     =
  eval k l >>= λ{  e , E  
  eval k r >>= λ v 
  usingEnv (v  E) (eval k e) }
eval (suc k)  (num x)     =
  return (num x)
eval (suc k)  (iop f l r) =
  eval k l >>= λ{ (num vₗ) 
  eval k r >>= λ{ (num vᵣ) 
  return (num (f vₗ vᵣ)) }}