import MJ.Classtable

import MJ.Syntax as Syntax
import MJ.Semantics.Values as Values
import MJ.Classtable.Core as Core
import MJ.Classtable.Code as Code

-- Substitution-free interpretation of welltyped MJ

module MJ.Semantics.Monadic {c} (Ct : Core.Classtable c)( : Code.Code Ct) where

open import Prelude hiding (_^_)
open import Data.Vec hiding (init; _>>=_; _∈_)
open import Data.Vec.All.Properties.Extra as Vec∀++
open import Data.List.Most
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable
open import Data.Star hiding (return; _>>=_)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)

open Values Ct
open Syntax Ct
open Code Ct
open Core c
open Classtable Ct

open import MJ.Syntax.Program Ct
open import MJ.Classtable.Membership Ct
open import MJ.Types
open import MJ.LexicalScope c
open import MJ.Semantics.Environments Ct
open import MJ.Semantics.Objects Ct
open import MJ.Semantics.Objects.Flat Ct  using (encoding)
open import Common.Weakening

Make the object encoding API available;
open ObjEncoding encoding

The monad in which we define evaluation.
This encapsulates state, lexical environments, timeouts and exceptions.
WSet = World c  Set

data Exception : Set where
  nullderef : Exception
  other     : Exception

data Result (W : World c)(A : WSet) : Set where
  exception :  {W'}  W'  W  Store W'  Exception  Result W A
  timeout   : Result W A
  returns   :  {W'}  W'  W  Store W'  A W'  Result W A

result-strengthen :  {W W'}{A : WSet}  W  W'  Result W A  Result W' A
result-strengthen ext (exception ext' μ e) = exception (ext  ext') μ e
result-strengthen ext timeout = timeout
result-strengthen ext (returns ext' μ v) = returns (ext  ext') μ v

-- monad that threads a readonly environment, store and propagates
-- semantic errors
M : Ctx  World c  WSet  Set
M Γ W A = Env Γ W  Store W  Result W A

return  :  {Γ W}{A : WSet}  A W  M Γ W A
return v _ μ = returns ⊑-refl μ v

doTimeout :  {Γ W}{A : WSet}  M Γ W A
doTimeout _ _ = timeout

raiseM :  {Γ W}{A : WSet}  Exception  M Γ W A
raiseM exc E μ = exception ⊑-refl μ exc

sval-weaken :  {W W' a}  W'  W  StoreVal W a  StoreVal W' a
sval-weaken ext (val x) = val $ weaken-val ext x
sval-weaken ext (obj cid x) = obj cid (weaken-obj cid ext x)

  storeval-weakenable :  {a}  Weakenable  W  StoreVal W a)
  storeval-weakenable = record {wk = sval-weaken }

infixl 10 _>>=_
_>>=_   :  {Γ W}{A B : WSet}  M Γ W A  (∀ {W'}  A W'  M Γ W' B) 
          M Γ W B
(k >>= f) E μ with k E μ
... | exception ext μ' e = exception ext μ' e
... | timeout = timeout
... | returns ext μ' v = result-strengthen ext $ f v (map-all (wk ext) E) μ'

infixl 10 _^_
_^_  :   {Σ Γ}{A B : WSet}  w : Weakenable B   M Γ Σ A  B Σ  M Γ Σ (A  B)
(f ^ x) E μ with (f E μ)
...  | timeout = timeout
...  | exception ext μ' e = exception ext μ' e
...  | returns ext μ' v = returns ext μ' (v , wk ext x)

_recoverWith_ :  {Γ W}{A : WSet}  M Γ W A 
                (∀ {W'}  Exception  W'  W  M Γ W' A) 
                M Γ W A
(k recoverWith f) E μ with k E μ
... | timeout = timeout
... | returns ext μ' x = returns ext μ' x
... | exception ext μ' e = result-strengthen ext $ f e ext (wk ext E) μ'

store   :  {Γ W a}  StoreVal W a  M Γ W  W'  a  W')
store {Γ}{W}{a} sv E μ =
    ext = ∷ʳ-⊒ a W
    μ'  = (map-all (wk ext) μ) all-∷ʳ (wk ext sv)
  in returns ext μ' (∈-∷ʳ W a)

update   :  {Γ W a}  a  W  StoreVal W a  M Γ W  W'  )
update ptr v E μ = returns ⊑-refl (μ All[ ptr ]≔' v) tt

deref :  {Γ W a}  a  W  M Γ W (flip StoreVal a)
deref ptr E μ = returns ⊑-refl μ (∈-all ptr μ)

getEnv :  {Γ W}{A : WSet}  (Env Γ W  M Γ W A)  M Γ W A
getEnv f E μ = f E E μ

usingEnv :  {Γ Γ' W}{A : WSet}  Env Γ' W  M Γ' W A  M Γ W A
usingEnv E e = const $ e E

store*  :  {Γ W as}  All  a  StoreVal W (vty a)) as 
          M Γ W  W'  All  a  (vty a)  W') as)
store* [] = return []
store* (v  vs) =
  store v ^ vs >>= λ{ (r , vs) 
  store* vs ^ r >>= λ{ (rs , r) 
  return (r  rs) }}

Lifting of object getter/setter into the monad
read-field :  {Γ : Ctx}{C W f a}  IsMember C FIELD f a  Val W (ref C) 
            M Γ W  W  Val W a)
read-field m null = raiseM nullderef
read-field m (ref o C<:C') E μ with ∈-all o μ
read-field m (ref o C<:C') E μ | obj cid O = returns ⊑-refl μ (getter _ O (inherit' C<:C' m))

write-field :  {Γ C W f a}  IsMember C FIELD f a  Val W (ref C)  Val W a 
            M Γ W (flip Val (ref C))
write-field m null v = raiseM nullderef
write-field m (ref o s) v E μ with ∈-all o μ
write-field m (ref o s) v E μ | obj cid O =
    vobj = obj cid (setter _ O (inherit' s m) v)
    μ' = μ All[ o ]≔' vobj
  in returns ⊑-refl μ' (ref o s)

-- Get the implementation of any method definition of a class
mbody :  {m ty} cid  AccMember cid METHOD m ty  InheritedMethod cid m ty
mbody cid mb with toWitness mb
... | (pid , s , d∈decls) = pid , s , ∈-all (proj₁ (first⟶∈ d∈decls)) (Implementation.mbodies ( pid))

Refinements of bind and return for the nested monad for command evaluation
_>>=c_ :  {I O O' : Ctx}{W : World c}{a} 
          M I W  W  Val W a  Env O W) 
          (∀ {W'}  Env O W'  M I W'  W  Val W a  Env O' W)) 
          M I W  W  Val W a  Env O' W)
m >>=c f = m >>= λ{
  (inj₁ v)  return (inj₁ v) ;
  (inj₂ E)  f E }

continue :  {Γ : Ctx}{W : World c}{a}  M Γ W  W  Val W a  Env Γ W)
continue = getEnv λ E  return (inj₂ E)

Fueled interpreter

  Arguments are passed as mutable and thus have to be evaluated, after which
  we store the values in the store and we pass the references.
  eval-args :  {Γ as W}    All (Expr Γ) as  M Γ W  W'  All  a  (vty a)  W') as)
  eval-args k args =
    evalₑ* k args >>= λ vs 
    store* (map-all val vs)

  Object initialization:
  Creates a default object; stores a mutable reference to it on the heap; calls the constructor
  on the resulting reference.
  constructM :    cid   {W}  M (Class.constr (Σ cid)) W (flip Val (ref cid))
  constructM k cid with  cid
  constructM k cid | (implementation construct mbodies) =
    store (obj _ (defaultObject cid)) >>= λ r 
    store (val (ref r ε)) ^ r >>= λ{ (r' , r) 
    getEnv λ E 
    usingEnv (E  r') (eval-constructor k ε r construct) ^ r >>= λ{ (_ , r) 
    return $ ref r ε }}

  Constructor interpretation:
  The difficult case being the one where we have a super call.
  eval-constructor :  {cid' cid W}    Σ  cid' <: cid  (obj cid')  W  Constructor cid 
                     M (constrctx cid) W (flip Val void)
  eval-constructor zero _ _ _ = doTimeout
  eval-constructor {_}{Object} (suc k) _ _ _ = return unit
  eval-constructor {_}{cls cid} (suc k) s o∈W (super args then b) =
    -- evaluate super call
      s'   = s ◅◅ super  ε
      super-con = Implementation.construct ( (Class.parent (Σ (cls cid))))
    eval-args k args ^ o∈W >>= λ{ (rvs , o∈W)  -- arguments
    getEnv λ{ (self  _) 
      -- store a parent pointer for passing to super
      store (val (ref o∈W s')) ^ o∈W ^ rvs >>= λ{ ((sup , o∈W) , rvs) 
      usingEnv (sup  rvs) (eval-constructor k s' o∈W super-con) >>= λ _ 

      -- evaluate own body
      eval-body k b >>= λ _ 
      return unit
  eval-constructor {_}{cls id} (suc k) _ _ (body x) =
    eval-body k x >>= λ _ 
    return unit

  Method evaluation including super calls.
  The difficult case again being the one where we have a super call.
  eval-method :  {cid m as b pid W Γ}   
                Σ  cid <: pid  (obj cid)  W 
                All  ty  vty ty  W) as 
                InheritedMethod pid m (as , b)  M Γ W (flip Val b)
  eval-method zero _ _ _ _ = doTimeout
  eval-method (suc k) s o args (pid' , pid<:pid' , body b) =
    store (val (ref o (s ◅◅ pid<:pid'))) ^ args >>= λ{ (mutself , args) 
    usingEnv (mutself  args) (eval-body k b) }
  eval-method {_}{m}{as}{b} (suc k) s o args (Object , _ , super x  _ ⟩then _) rewrite Σ-Object =
    -- calling a method on Object is improbable...
    ⊥-elim (∉Object {METHOD}{m}{(as , b)}(sound x))
  eval-method (suc k) s o args (cls pid' , pid<:pid' , super x  supargs ⟩then b) =
    let super-met = mbody (Class.parent (Σ (cls pid'))) x in
      store (val (ref o (s ◅◅ pid<:pid'))) ^ (args , o) >>= λ{ (mutself , args , o) 
      -- eval super args in method context
      usingEnv (mutself  args) (eval-args k supargs) ^ (args , o) >>= λ{ (rvs , args , o) 
      -- call super
      eval-method k (s ◅◅ pid<:pid' ◅◅ super  ε) o rvs super-met ^ (args , o) >>= λ{ (retv , args , o) 
      -- store the super return value to be used as a mutable local
      store (val retv) ^ (args , o) >>= λ{ (mutret , args , o) 
      -- store the mutable "this"
      store (val (ref o (s ◅◅ pid<:pid'))) ^ (mutret , args) >>= λ{ (mutself' , mutret , args) 
      -- call body
      usingEnv (mutret  mutself'  args) (eval-body k b) }}}}}

  evaluation of expressions
  evalₑ :  {Γ : Ctx}{a}    Expr Γ a   {W}  M Γ W (flip Val a)
  evalₑ zero _ = doTimeout

  -- primitive values
  evalₑ (suc k) unit =
    return unit

  evalₑ (suc k) (num n) =
    return (num n)

  evalₑ (suc k) null =
    return null

  -- variable lookup
  evalₑ (suc k) (var x) =
    getEnv  E  return $ getvar x E) >>= λ v 
    deref v >>= λ{ (val w) 
    return w }

  evalₑ (suc k) (upcast ε e) = evalₑ k e
  evalₑ (suc k) (upcast s₁@(_  _) e) = evalₑ k e >>= λ{
      (ref o s₂ )  return $ ref o (s₂ ◅◅ s₁) ;
      null  return null

  -- binary interger operations
  evalₑ (suc k) (iop f l r) =
    evalₑ k l >>= λ{ (num vₗ) 
    evalₑ k r >>= λ{ (num vᵣ) 
    return (num (f vₗ vᵣ)) }}

  -- method calls
  evalₑ (suc k) (call e _ {acc = mtd} args) =
    evalₑ k e >>= λ{
      null  raiseM nullderef ;
      r@(ref {dyn-cid} o s₁) 
        -- evaluate the arguments
        eval-args k args ^ o >>= λ{ (rvs , o) 
        -- dynamic dispatch: dynamic lookup of the method on the runtime class of the reference
        -- and execution of the call
        (eval-method k ε o rvs (mbody dyn-cid (inherit _ s₁ mtd))) }}

  -- field lookup in the heap
  evalₑ (suc k) (get e _ {_}{fld}) =
    evalₑ k e >>= λ{
      null  raiseM nullderef ;
      (ref o s) 
        deref o >>= λ{ (obj c O) 
        return (getter _ O $ inherit' s (sound fld)) }}

  -- object allocation
  evalₑ (suc k) (new C args) =
    eval-args k args >>= λ rvs 
    usingEnv rvs (constructM k C)

  Statement evaluation
  evalc :  {I : Ctx}{O : Ctx}{W : World c}{a}   
          Stmt I a O  M I W  W  Val W a  Env O W)

  evalc zero _ = doTimeout

  evalc (suc k) raise = raiseM other

  evalc (suc k) (block stmts) =
    eval-stmts k stmts >>=c λ _  continue

  evalc (suc k) (try cs catch cs') =
    (evalc k cs >>=c λ _  continue)
    recoverWith  e ext  evalc k cs' >>= λ _  continue)

  -- new local variable
  evalc (suc k) (loc a) =
    store (val $ default a) >>= λ r 
    getEnv λ E  return (inj₂ (E  r))

  -- assigning to a local
  evalc (suc k) (asgn x e) =
    evalₑ k e >>= λ v 
    getEnv  E  return $ getvar x E) ^ v >>= λ{ (addr , v) 
    update addr (val v) >>= λ _ 
    continue }

  -- setting a field
  evalc (suc k) (set r _ {_}{fld} e) =
    evalₑ k r >>= λ{
    null  raiseM nullderef ;
    r'@(ref _ _) 
      evalₑ k e ^ r' >>= λ{ (v , r') 
      write-field (sound fld) r' v >>= λ _ 
      continue }}

  -- side-effectful expressions
  evalc (suc k) (run e) =
    evalₑ k e >>= λ _ 

  -- early returns
  evalc (suc k) (ret e) =
    evalₑ k e >>= λ v 
    return (inj₁ v)

  -- if-then-else blocks
  evalc (suc k) (if e then cs else ds) =
    evalₑ k e >>= λ{
      (num zero)  evalc k cs ;
      (num (suc _))  evalc k ds

  -- while loops
  evalc (suc k) (while e run b) =
    evalₑ (suc k) e >>= λ{
      (num zero)     evalc k b >>= λ _  evalc k (while e run b) ;
      (num (suc _))  continue

  An helper for interpreting a sequence of statements
  eval-stmts :  {Γ Γ' W a}    Stmts Γ a Γ'  M Γ W  W  Val W a  Env Γ' W)
  eval-stmts k ε = continue
  eval-stmts k (x  st) =
    evalc k x >>=c λ E' 
    usingEnv E' (eval-stmts k st)

  An helper for interpreting method bodies (i.e. sequence of Stmts optionally followed by a return).
  eval-body :  {I : Ctx}{W : World c}{a}    Body I a  M I W  W  Val W a)
  eval-body k (body ε re) = evalₑ k re
  eval-body k (body stmts@(_  _) e) =
    (eval-stmts k stmts) >>= λ{
      (inj₁ v)  return v ;
      (inj₂ E)  usingEnv E (evalₑ k e) }

  An helper for interpreting a list of expressions in the same context.
  evalₑ* :  {Γ W as}    All (Expr Γ) as  M Γ W  W  All (Val W) as)
  evalₑ* k [] = return []
  evalₑ* k (e  es) =
    evalₑ k e >>= λ v 
    evalₑ* k es ^ v >>= λ{ (vs , v) 
    return (v  vs) }

eval :  {a}    Prog a  Result [] (flip Val a)
eval k (lib , main) = eval-body k main [] []

a few predicates on program interpretation:
... saying it will terminate succesfully in a state where P holds
_⇓⟨_⟩_ :  {a}  Prog a    (P :  {W}  Val W a  Set)  Set
p ⇓⟨ k  P with eval k p
p ⇓⟨ k  P | exception _ _ _ = 
p ⇓⟨ k  P | timeout = 
p ⇓⟨ k  P | returns ext μ v = P v

...saying it will raise an exception in a state where P holds
_⇓⟨_⟩!_ :  {a}  Prog a    (P :  {W}  Store W  Exception  Set)  Set
p ⇓⟨ k ⟩! P with eval k p
p ⇓⟨ k ⟩! P | exception _ μ e = P μ e
p ⇓⟨ k ⟩! P | timeout = 
p ⇓⟨ k ⟩! P | returns ext μ v =